The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China celebrates its 25-year anniversary with hundreds of Swedish companies 中国瑞典商会携手数百家瑞典企业共庆25周年


Press Release

May 19, 2023


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China celebrates its 25-year anniversary with hundreds of Swedish companies



Beijing, China - On May 19th, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China (SwedCham China) held their 25th anniversary celebration at the 751 Library, where hundreds of Swedish companies, business partners and SwedCham members gathered to raise a toast to SwedCham China’s 25 years of history and to explore more win-win opportunities for Sino-Swedish trade for the future. 


519日(北京),中国瑞典商会25周年庆典于751 DPARK 北京时尚设计广场751图书馆成功举办。数百家瑞典企业、合作伙伴、商会会员等欢聚一堂,共同回顾过去25载的发展历程,展望未来中瑞商贸更多的共赢机遇


Since its establishment in 1998, SwedCham China has grown from an initial membership of 30 to over 240 Swedish companies in China. SwedCham’s mission is to build a long-term, stable and professional business exchange platform for Swedish enterprise members in China, help members gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese market and advance their business interests by serving as a facilitator for networking and information flow. The chamber has since been a natural gathering place for Swedish companies in China.




Celebrating with partners in Swedish style



SwedCham China’s 25-year anniversary celebration kicked off with a classic Swedish party where guests delighted around a vibrant array of lights, candles, and food. At the event, SwedCham China and its member companies reflected upon the chamber’s growth amid China’s transformation and global changes. Accompanied with fine wine, delicious food, and live musical performances by the Jing Sing choir, the guests enjoyed a fun and relaxed evening of lively discussions.




Despite various challenges over the past 25 years including intensified instability in the global environment, increased uncertainties in the world’s economy and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sino-Swedish economic and trade relations have remained robust and bilateral cooperation has deepened. SwedCham China proactively supported the development and in-depth communication of Swedish brands in China during these demanding times. SwedCham China has also built a modern and digital membership system through its social network application platform. During the pandemic, SwedCham China proved its resilience by initiating a record number of 150 events in a year with webinars and hybrid events such as the Swedish Crayfish Festival, a Swedish style pop-up show, a Swedish enterprise job fair, the Swedish Film Festival, a sustainability-themed series of activities and training workshops, and many more. On top of its enterprise membership, SwedCham China also welcomed 6 Gold Corporate partners and 12 Silver Corporate partners who will work closely with SwedCham China to achieve mutual growth.





The Swedish Ambassador to China, Helena Sångeland, congratulated SwedCham China on its special 25th anniversary: “The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China has been a cornerstone in supporting the Swedish business community in China for 25 years. The chamber is a highly valued platform for Swedish companies to maintain and expand their business relations in China. When looking back at everything you have accomplished throughout the years, it is almost hard to imagine that the chamber is “only” celebrating 25 years now. It is always a true pleasure for the Embassy to work together with the Chamber as a part of Team Sweden in China to promote the Swedish brand.” 


瑞典驻华大使宋莲(Helena Sångeland)对商会成立25周年表示热烈祝贺:“25年来,中国瑞典商会一直是支持在华瑞典企业的基石,也是瑞典企业在中国保持和扩大业务关系的重要平台。回顾这些年来商会所取得的成就,很难想象今年只是商会的25周年。我们很高兴携手中国瑞典商会持续推动瑞典品牌在华发展。



Swedcham China was also supported honorarily by the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Cui Aimin in his video speech: “SwedCham China has a history of 25 years. It has 240 member companies and a good business reputation. It is hoped that SwedCham China will continue to work to strengthen the confidence of the Swedish enterprises in their development in China, to expand the areas of cooperation, and to further expand and strengthen themselves in the Chinese market. It is also hoped that SwedCham China will actively contribute to a good cooperation atmosphere and support the China-Sweden economic and trade cooperation and the development of bilateral relations. The Embassy of China in Sweden is willing to provide support and services for bilateral practical cooperation. Let us join hands and work actively to create a bright future for China-Sweden economic and trade cooperation and bring benefits to the two countries and the two peoples!”






 The road to sustainable development paved with Swedish entrepreneurial spirit




Chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China, Ludvig Nilsson, is a Swede with profound knowledge of Chinese literature and who has lived in China for nearly 20 years. Introducing the Swedish entrepreneurial spirit in fluent Chinese, he highlighted: “The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China is proud to serve its members and the wider business community by providing a platform for constructive dialogue between members as well as external stakeholders. This dialogue has always been very important, but in recent years, as challenges have grown, it has become crucial for maintaining a balanced understanding of the business environment.”


中国瑞典商会主席孔翔飞(Ludvig Nilsson)是一位对汉语文学有着较深造诣的外籍友人,已经在中国生活近20年之久,他用流利的中文为大家介绍了中国瑞典商会25意进取的点滴故事,他表示:中国瑞典商会很荣幸为其会员和更广泛的商业伙伴提供了一个平台,为会员之间以及会员与外部利益相关者之间的建设性对话提供服务。在我看来,这种对话十分重要,近年来,随着整体市场环境的变化,瑞典企业可以通过我们的平台,借助这种中瑞商贸的关键对话模式,保持对商业环境的平衡理解。


General Manager of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China, Daniela Ling-Vannerus Cassmer said: “SwedCham China fulfils several important functions for the Swedish business community in China as the Information, Networking, and Facilitation Platform for our member companies. By initiating and organising 150 events every year across China, we have created a community offering relevant information flow and accessibility to learning from others, which makes us unique and valuable for our members. We look forward to another 25 years serving our members!”


中国瑞典商会总经理丹林(Daniela Ling-Vannerus Cassmer)表示:中国瑞典商会为在华瑞典企业提供了一个基于三大服务支柱的沟通平台。通过每年在中国举办的150场活动,我们为在华瑞典企业创建了一个商务交流的社区,促进了双方的信息交流和相互学习,为会员创造了独一无二的商业价值。我们期待在接下来的25年里为我们的会员提供更多高质量的服务。




Volvo Cars, member of SwedCham China, shared their collaboration experience with Swedish Chamber. Hans Lindh, Vice President of R&D, Volvo Car Asia Pacific, , commented: “Volvo and SwedCham China have always maintained a close partnership. We work closely together on sustainability efforts and are committed to promoting cultural communication and integration between China and Sweden. We are glad to witness each other's progress and we will continue building our strong collaboration in the future."


沃尔沃汽车是中国瑞典商会的成员之一,并且在可持续发展等话题上有着深入交流和合作。沃尔沃汽车亚太区研发副总裁Hans Lindh表示:沃尔沃与中国瑞典商会始终保持紧密的合作关系,我们有着相同的可持续发展愿景,也共同致力于促进中国与瑞典的文化交流,很高兴我们见证了彼此的意进取,希望未来继续携手共进。


“SwedCham China has played an important role in improving Sino-Swedish business ties and promoting the Swedish brand, and supporting the development of Swedish enterprises in China over the past 25 years," said Zhao Juntao, Senior Advisor at Ericsson and former President of Ericsson China, a representative company from Sweden. “SwedCham China is the home of Swedish companies in China, and serves as an important platform for exchange, sharing and learning for Swedish companies in the market. As one of the earliest members of SwedCham China, Ericsson truly appreciates the chamber for its support over the past 25 years. This year also marks Ericsson's 131st anniversary in China. We are confident about China’s long-term future development, and would like to wish SwedCham China every success in its next 25 years of growth and progress with Swedish companies in China!”




SwedCham China has joined hands with more than 240 Swedish enterprises, from the world's top 500 companies to the most innovative start-ups. Viewing the Chinese market as an important component in their development strategies, these enterprises work with SwedCham China as a platform to build a bridge between Chinese and Swedish businesses and culture. SwedCham China has always emphasized its mission “to advance members’ business interests through serving as a facilitator for networking and information flow.” Against this backdrop, we believe more and more Swedish companies in China will join in and contribute to a greener, more environmentally friendly, and more sustainable Sino-Swedish business culture, creating a better future for Sino-Swedish economic and trade cooperation.

