Dear Swedcham Community,
During the last few years the Swedish Business Community in China has faced a number of challenges and has during that time proven its resilience and adaptability. Swedcham has consistently been up to that task and has provided insight, support, connectivity, learning possibilities, communication channels and also a place for all of us to meet whether virtually or physically.
The sheer number and variety of activities that Swedcham provides in so many different locations in China is testimony to the drive to support and engage with all members. We have also been pleased to note a consistently high member satisfaction. We will continue with your engagement and support to strive to provide value for our members and other stakeholders in the present challenging environment. The role of Swedcham for us as a Swedish Business Community is as important as ever before and that also includes the role as a bridge and connection between our two countries in these times with talk of de-risking and de-coupling.
We will, with your support and involvement continue on this path and I welcome all your engagement with us as we move forward doing our utmost to support and promote our members’ Business in China.
Peter Ling-Vannerus
Chairman, SwedCham China
Chief Representative, SEB Beijing