White Paper on Derisking Trends in APAC

The aim of this white paper is to gain a deeper understanding of the shifting sentiments towards the
Chinese and Indian markets among Swedish MNCs, focusing on current attitudes toward the Chinese
market and India’s potential role as a replacement economy. How are Swedish companies navigating
this new trade landscape where business decisions are increasingly affected by geopolitical
considerations? Are they planning to leave or reduce investments in China? Is India a feasible
substitution, or a just a positive addition to Swedish MNCs broader APAC strategies?
This project is completed in a collaboration between the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China and
India, providing unique first-hand observations and data from member companies active in both
markets. This report was made possible by a generous grant given by the Swedish Foundation
Stiftelsen Fonden för Exportutveckling, which is a foundation that works toward encouraging Swedish
enterprise worldwide, supporting exports and value-creating internationalization. Their primary
method of support is to give grants to various projects and research efforts, such as the grant that
was given for this white paper, and for that we greatly thank the Foundation.
Please read the paper here: White Paper on Derisking Trends in APAC