Membership Directory - Corporate

AQ Electric Suzhou Co., Ltd.


Company Website Address:
Activities in China: AQ Electric designs and manufactures transformers, inductive components, power and control equipment and wiring systems for industrial applications. The customers are leading international industrial customers with high demands on product and delivery quality. We work in close co-operation with our customers to offer the most cost effective solutions for both parties Our ability to suggest alternative designs makes us an ideal partner in order to optimize products for the Chinese market and for export We undertake individual projects and serial production, from smaller cubicles to complex systems. With our design and component engineers involved at an early projection stage we are able to create cost-effective solutions and effective industrialization. A wide network of local suppliers along with the group’s global agreements enable AQ Electric to purchase from international component, apparatus and enclosure manufacturers at competitive rates.
City: Available to Members
Office Phone: Available to Members
Available to Members
Business Line: Electronics, Machinery and Industrial engineering, Ventilation, Filtering and Air purification
Company Name in Chinese: 艾柯电器(苏州)有限公司
Address in English: Available to Members
Address in Chinese: Available to Members


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