Membership Directory - Corporate
HANZA Electric (Suzhou) Co.,LTD
Company Website Address:
Activities in China: HANZA Electric (Suzhou) is part of HANZA Group, with head office in Stockholm, Sweden. HANZA offers wide variety of manufacturing services globally with unique business concept focusing on building value for our customers.
HANZA Suzhou has over 20 years’ experience in serving many global customers from different industries. Many customers are from Scandinavia, including Sweden.
HANZA Suzhou offers manufacturing services for electronics assembly (pcba), assembly of electrical control cabinets, wire harness manufacturing, complex box build assembly including plastic injection products together with final packaging.
We are ISO 9001 and 14001 certified, located in Suzhou Industrial Park.
City: Available to Members
Office Phone: Available to Members
Available to Members
Business Line: Electronics
Available to Primary Member