Facility Manager 设施经理

Full Time
11 months ago

Facility Manager






  • 协助各部门确保物业、设施、固定装置和设备始终保持良好状态。

  • 及时高效地维护和订购零件和所需用品。

  • 制定并执行设施维护的政策。

  • 组织和协调建筑设施的预防性维护、维修和技术优化,其中包括但不限于:

    • 处理与建筑有关的常见问题

    • 定期为公共区域进行粉刷,根据需要额外为展览空间提供维护

    • 随时处理各类维修需求

    • 提供与建造相关的支持,例如展架安装、为展览馆定制展柜或其他物品等

    • 根据其他团队成员的要求解决“待办事项”清单

    • 负责物品采购

  • 管理和控制小规模维护支出,并有能力评估和报告措施的经济性和专业适用性。

  • 与运营团队密切合作,不断讨论建筑物需求,灵活调整日程以满足博物馆不断变化的需求。

  • 参与规划,支持其他业务单位并与运营团队协调适当的日程安排。

  • 根据活动、会务和展览团队的需求,就建筑家具、设施等提供建议,并做好相关搬移工作的规划。

  • 充分了解多功能场馆对设施和运营日程安排的影响,并能够妥善应对。

  • 使用公司提供的系统进行运维登记和任务完成记录。

  • 高效、及时的回应各类需求。

  • 在涉及建筑维护的粉刷、建造等方面拥有专业知识,并熟练掌握水暖和小型机械操作等其他服务。

  • 熟练使用各类维修工具。

2. 健康与安全

  • 熟悉物业安全、急救、消防和紧急情况处理程序,能够安全且谨慎地操作相关设备。

  • 需要主动采取相关措施排除安全应还,并及时通知主管潜在的安全隐患。

  • 熟知责任义务,遵守职业健康与安全法规、政策和程序。

  • 根据公司要求记录安全问题和事故。


3. 财务职责


  • 协调部门年度预算的准备工作

  • 管理部门预算




  • 学历:具备设施管理、建筑、土木工程或类似专业的学术学位或专业资格

  • 语言:优秀的普通话和英语口头、听力和书写沟通能力

  • 工作经验:在快节奏的环境(如酒店、零售、博物馆、活动等)中,具有5年同等责任的设施运营和维护经验,具备开业经验者优先考虑

  • 知识:设备设施管理知识、项目实施、衡量及跟踪的能力、具备动手解决问题的能力

  • 技能:熟练运用计算机技能,积极乐观的工作态度,出色的沟通能力,优秀的时间管理和优先级处理技能


Main Responsibilities:


1. General
The Facility Manager requires someone who is ready to: 

  • Support all departments to ensure that the properties, fixtures, installations and machines are always kept in good condition.

  • Maintain and order parts and supplies in a timely and efficient manner.

  • Create and execute facilities strategy, policies.

  • Devise and coordinate preventive maintenance, maintenance and technical optimization of the building facilities including but not limited to:

    • General deficiencies associated with construction.

    • Painting all public areas on a regular basis and additional exhibition spaces as needed.

    • React to miscellaneous repairs needed on an as-needed basis.

    • Provide proper support in construction-related requests such as building or installing shelving, building cases or other items that are custom-built for the museum.

    • Addressing repairing “to-do” list items as dictated by other team members.

    • Contacting vendors as needed for supplies and support for items that require it.

  • Budget management and control of small maintenance expenditures and the ability to assess and report back the economics and professional appropriateness of measures.

  • Consistently discuss the needs of the building with the operations team, readjusting the schedule of the day to meet the ever-changing needs of the Museum.

  • Be a part of planning to support the additional business units and plan schedules appropriately in conjunction with the operations team.

  • Advise on the movement of building furniture, fixtures, etc. as needed and the movement of any other elements in conjunction with the needs of the Programming, Events, and Exhibition teams.

  • Comfort with and understanding of the implications a multi-use venue can have on proposed Facilities and Operations schedules and the ability to improvise gracefully around these.

  • Log service and finished projects using approved company systems and records.

  • Address building-wide requests in real-time via company-wide communications.

  • Expert in all painting, construction and adept in other services such plumbing and minor mechanical operations consistent with building maintenance.

  • The ability to utilize construction tools.

2. Health and Safety

  • Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly

  • Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers

  • Be aware of duty of care and adhere to occupational, health and safety legislation, policies and procedures

  • Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with company requirements

3. Finance Responsibilities 

  • Assist General Manager in the preparation and management of the department’s budget. Duties include:

  • Co-ordinate the preparation of the departmental annual budget

  • Manage the Department’s expenses 




  • Education: Academic degree or professional qualification in facilities management, construction, civil engineering or similar

  • Language: Excellent communication skill in Mandarin and English verbal, listening and writing 

  • Work Experience: 5 years of equivalent responsibility experience managing facility operations and maintenance in a fast-paced, multi-purpose environment (hospitality, retail, museum, event, etc.) Pre-opening experience is an advantage. 

  • Knowledge: Facility management knowledge, knowledge of how to implement, measure and follow up projects, hands-on mentality

  • Skills: Computer Skills, Positive attitude and excellent communication skills, Excellent time management and prioritization skills

  • Working Environment and Schedule: Able to work on some nights, weekends and holidays


